2024 South Puget Sound Republican Women


We are an energized group of women who are active in our community, county and state.


We support our military and provide programs on issues locally, statewide and nationally.


You are a member of the National Federation of Republican Women (NFRW) and the Washington Federation of Women (WFRW). NFRW is one of the largest political organizations in the world, with 65,000 members. Members of other clubs and spouses may join as associate members.


Together we have a greater influence on the issues facing our country.


Informed participation in politics is important to keep our government honorable and just.


Membership offers meaningful ways for our members to use their talents and energies.


When you join South Puget Sound Republican Women, you have a unique opportunity to meet and get to know your local Republican elected officials.


You will receive a monthly newsletter full of updates, information and upcoming events.


We offer monthly luncheons, evening programs and celebrations, which are informational, educational and fun.

Contact: spsrw@spsrwclub.org


President – Connie Coleman-Lacadie
1st VP Membership – Kristi Merritt
2nd VP Programs – Open
Secretary – Bev Raschke
Treasurer – Shirley Burrow
* Past President – Sally Taylor


Armed Forces – Lonnie Lai
Americanism – Open
Awards – Sally Taylor & Carol Dayton
Budget/Audit – Linda Siegel
ByLaws – Sharon Nelson
Caring for America – Open
Campaign Hours – Syl Wiles
Chaplain/Scholarships* – Leslie Watts
Hospitality – Barb Strup
Legislation – Judy Lawrence
Literacy (Constitutions) – Judy Lawrence
Membership – Sharon Nelson
Newsletter – Connie Coleman-Lacadie
Webmaster/Newsletter – Connie Coleman-Lacadie (Interim)
Parliamentarian* – Sharon Nelson
Public Relations – Margie Swalley
Sunshine – Karen O’Neill

Please let us know if you are interested in a vacant position.

*Denotes a special committee and does not have a vote.